Celebratory Symposium for the retirement of Prof. Dr. Alain Verstraete
Celebratory Symposium for the retirement of Prof. Dr. Alain Verstraete

On May 25th, a celebratory symposium was held in Ghent for the retirement of prof. Alain Verstraete. There were guests from all over the globe to celebrate prof. Verstraete’s outstanding scientific achievements and leadership in the field of toxicology and therapeutic drug monitoring. Unfortunately, some kind of well-known virus with a terrible timing hijacked the event, preventing prof. Verstraete -but not the guests- from being present ‘in person’ at his own symposium. The scientific topics ranged from forensic and clinical toxicology to therapeutic drug monitoring, in line with prof. Verstraete’s clinical and research focus during the past decades. Speakers were Nele Samyn, Simon Elliott, Hans Maurer, Pierre Wallemacq, Jan De Waele and Birgit Koch, followed by wildlife photographer Ingrid Vekemans and testimonials on Alain Verstraete as a colleague, boss, professor, promotor and scientist.
On behalf of BLT warm congratulations!