BLT Meeting & General Assembly on Mar 28th, 2023
BLT Meeting & General Assembly on Mar 28th, 2023

On Mar 28, from 17:00 on (actual start of the program at 17:30), we have another BLT Meeting & General Assembly.
Venue: Salle Verrière, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Av. Hippocrate 10,1200 Brussels.
17:30: Keynote by Dr. Frederick Vinckenbosch (Maastricht University): “How nitrous oxide inflates airbags: The effects of recreational nitrous oxide use on driving performance and its detection in breath samples”
18:30-19:30: free communications by Maarten Degreef & Margot Balcaen, Hanna De Baets, Katleen Van Uytfanghe, Eline Pottie, and Axelle Timmerman (details: see program)
19:30-20:15: General Assembly with election of the new Board
20:15-… : Reception
Reminder: our traditional BLT weekend will be held at Oostduinkerke (Domein Westhoek), on Friday and Saturday Oct 27 & 28, 2023 (Scientific Session on Fri; social activities on Sat). Save the date!